A Quick Guide On Personal Statement Writing For College Applicants


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College Applicants

You’ve successfully graduated from high school. Congratulations! Now you’re on the verge of the next, even more significant and important stage of your life — college. Applicants get consumed by fears even before they submit an application, get accepted, and know all the nuances of campus life. And how surprised they’ll be when they see they need to submit a personal statement to participate in the admissions process.

Usually, freshmen prepare themselves for challenges but don’t expect them to start so early. Academic achievements, personal accomplishments, internships, volunteering, and other valuable experiences matter. However, one should be able to communicate them in writing; otherwise, all these things make no sense.

This assignment is challenging for students in many ways. First of all, because it’s writing, this activity causes stress and anxiety more than anything else. Secondly, personal statement writing often becomes a personal challenge for applicants. It requires them to immerse themselves into thoughts about their past and struggle with defining the most valuable moments, experiences, and events.

Hence increased demand for academic assistance services, letting students pay for paper writing and trust this challenging task to someone else. This decision is quite sober, considering the importance of such a paper as a personal statement.

What Is a Personal Statement?

You can’t write and submit a good paper if you don’t clearly understand its essence and the challenges that await you. A personal statement can be defined in many ways:

  • an essay;
  • a picture;
  • a personal story;
  • a letter;
  • an invitation, etc.

Everything depends on your perception and what you mean by this concept. As a whole, the personal statement can be defined in the following way. It’s a specific type of academic writing required for college and university applications in the USA, UK, and many other countries around the world.

A personal statement introduces you to the admissions committee and shows your skills, competencies, personal qualities, and achievements, making you stand out compared to other applicants. In general, you have only 4,000 characters to present your personality and convince officers to invite you to a final interview.

Academic settings aren’t the only circumstances where you’ll need to submit a personal statement. Many companies require you to add a personal statement to your CV to hire you, so the earlier you learn how to write it, the better for you and your future.

The Secrets of Submitting a Strong Personal Statement

Writing can be daunting for you when you don’t have a clear plan, don’t have a goal, and don’t know what it will give you. No wonder that after several hours or even days of useless reflections, the thought like “Can I pay someone to write my paper?” comes to your mind. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Asking for help isn’t a way to escape problems; it’s a way to solve them.

Let’s discuss the possible plan of work. The process of working on your personal statement won’t differ from the way you work on any other type of essay. However, it’s up to you to incorporate additional activities if you consider them necessary:

  1. Research the program you’re applying to. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and instructions. Find as much information about the school you’re applying to. You must fit the requirements and show them in your paper.
  2. Analyze the prompt. If given a certain prompt, read it and ensure you understand it properly. Identify the important parts and highlight the most important aspects in the document not to miss any important points.
  3. Think about your past. Analyze the experiences you faced in your life and achievements you can brag about, and think about mentioning some of them in your personal statement. Experiences can be academic, personal, work, and any other you consider valuable.
  4. Develop a plan for your paper. You’re free to use your favorite way of planning: rely on the structure, create an outline, or do mind mapping. Make sure your plan addresses the standard structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  5. Draft your personal statement. Be ready that it’ll be the first draft, and you’ll need to make many corrections to achieve perfection. Define the key topic of each paragraph and start with writing down the detailed information. Make a break, and then try to refine your draft. Repeat it as much as you need.
  6. Do a revision. Read your paper once again and ensure you answered all questions, your paper doesn’t exceed a word count and shows your motivation to admissions officers.
  7. Edit and proofread your personal statement. It’s difficult to edit the paper you’ve written; that’s why we recommend you take a break and get back to your paper after you have a rest.

We hope you wouldn’t mind several good personal statements writing secrets from experts. Then we are ready to share them with you. Follow the abovementioned guidelines and consider the recommendations below to submit a strong paper:

  • Start early. Personal statement writing requires much time, and we hope there’s no need for additional explanations. You’ll need to write several drafts to make many breaks to stay productive, so give yourself enough time.
  • Create a strong introduction. This paragraph is of primary importance since its purpose is to catch your readers’ attention. Develop a good thesis statement, ask a question or use any other technique to keep officers and faculty members involved.
  • Avoid passive voice misuse. It’s even better to say, “avoid using passive voice.” It’s one of the key rules of academic writing you must keep in mind. Tell a story using the active voice and other constructions showing that you’re the main element.
  • Connect yourself to the desired program. Do you know everything this school/course offers? Establish a connection between you and the program, and explain how you plan to use these benefits and how you can benefit from college life.
  • Ask someone to proofread your paper. If editing isn’t your strength, consider getting expert assistance. It’s a perfect way to correct mistakes, improve flow, your writing style, and achieve coherency.

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Remember The Difference

Many applicants can’t distinguish between these two papers, so we decided to draw a demarcation line to answer all the possible questions you may have. Despite the similarity of the names, personal statements and statements of purpose are very different. Both papers can be required for admissions, but they focus on the opposite aspects of your life.

A personal statement describes who you are and focuses on your personality, whereas a statement of purpose aims to show your intentions and plans and tells admissions officers what you want to do. A personal statement is driven towards the past, whereas a statement of purpose looks toward the future.

However, you shouldn’t forget to check the requirements and instructions before you start writing. The information we share corresponds to reality; however, schools are free to make amendments to generally accepted standards. Pay attention to the requirements and keep in mind our recommendations to create a strong personal statement.

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