How Now&Me Revolutionized the Concept of Online Therapy


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Now&Me, a mental wellness application listed among the top 100 applications, has completely revolutionized the concept of online therapy. With a high level of stress and anxiety nowadays, they have introduced a new concept of seeking help, which gives a new-age experience to the audience by showering them with abundant love, self-help kits, and instant support from experts. 

What did Now&Me do exactly? They introduced the concept of Bite-Sized Therapy, a test drive for therapy that includes shorter sessions with timings customizable according to the user’s preferences and is best suited for individuals who have busy work schedules and wish to look after their mental health. Moreover, they promise to do it with instant guidance and support so if people who are in need of immediate help can text or call a therapist right away.

To provide their users with a variety of therapy options, Now&Me created an Expert Panel Portal where the professionals have expertise in various domains to help people get a deep dive into their personal development journey. Moreover, Now&Me also believes that the audience feels best when they are surrounded by supportive and loving people, which is why they created an Online Community, where anyone and everyone can share their feelings without any shame or guilt.

Not only this, but they have curated a Self-Help Kit, that contains daily affirmations, journaling prompts, and meditation techniques for holistic development. This can be bought from the application at an affordable price to start your mental-wellbeing journey. 

Recently, Now&Me also launched a mental health AI assistant, Nemo, with whom users can ask and share anything and everything to get the right direction, thoroughly curated mental health resources, and get connected to the right therapist. 

With the world delving more towards technology and AI advancements, Now&Me wishes to provide people with the help and care they haven’t gotten earlier. In today’s time, self-care and self-love are celebrated openly without feeling selfish or guilty and that is what motivates Now&Me to help more people experience this feeling openly. 

Therefore, to make people feel more at home with themselves, Now&Me revolutionized the concept of online therapy by giving birth to new-age techniques like short versions of therapy, holistic development, and sharing your feelings anonymously with a like-minded community, self-help resources, and mental health AI assistant. 

However, it is also important from the user’s end to make efforts to consistently show up for therapy and make definite moves to keep themselves active and happy. Being mentally healthy is not something that is already there in every human; it has to be practiced, an effort has to be made, and a lot of showing up needs to be done. Just as you take care of your physical health, your mental health needs its daily dose of love, care, and pampering. Simple acts such as journaling, meditation, investing in hobbies, taking yourself on dates, spending time with yourself, spending time with loved ones, doing something productive, working out, eating a proper meal, and drinking plenty of water can help with this. 

To sum up, the mantra of Now&Me is to help people love themselves and take the best benefit of therapy by modernizing mental health resources for generations to come. So, this is your chance to book your session with Now&Me and get connected with your choice of therapist to headstart your mental health journey. 

Download the app, and our mental health assistant will provide you with the right tools, a therapist, and anything else that concerns you right away!