It’s Time To Step Up Your Product Stock Photography Game


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You’ve heard it before: stock photography is a great way to add professional-looking images to your product listings. And you’re probably correct if you think your competitors are doing the same thing.

But do you know how many products include cliche photos on their listings? The answer is too many.

Here’s how to stand out from the pack by using better stock photography in your listings.

Avoid cliche stock photos.

Stock photos are everywhere. They’re cheap, easy to find, and can help you quickly and efficiently convey a message. But stock photos can also be boring or lazy—and that’s not what you want your audience to think about your brand.

To avoid this fate, it’s important to avoid cliche stock photos at all costs. Here are some examples of things you should absolutely never do:

  • Use a stock photo of someone using their phone. It’s been done to death, and it makes you look like no one on your staff knows how to take a good selfie.
  • Use a stock photo of an office. It’s so boring. You can do better than that.
  • Use a stock photo of someone sitting at a desk. It’s another cliche that makes you look like you’re stuck in the past.
  • Use a stock photo of business people shaking hands. It’s overdone, and it makes your brand seem boring and bland.

Find a selection of images that look good together.

Once you have an idea of the style of product images that will work best for your brand, it’s time to find some specific photos.

The first step is to make sure they all fit together stylistically.

  • Do they all feature similar colors?
  • Are they all shot from a similar angle?

If not, then it’s important to choose images that are complementary so they look good together rather than clashing with each other when displayed on your website or social media page.

When it comes to choosing stock photos for products, try using one or two different images per product category (e.g., sunglasses) so that customers don’t get bored seeing the same thing over and over again when browsing through your store’s various collections.

If possible, try mixing up sizes as well: showing off various products from different angles will give users more reason to keep scrolling through until they find something interesting.

Explore the right keywords to find your image.

When searching for the perfect image on a stock photography site, it’s important to use keywords related to your product.

You’ll also want to find keywords that relate specifically to your target audience, industry, and business. These can be helpful in terms of finding images that will resonate with your buyers.

Finally, it’s important not to forget the type of image you’re looking for; some sites have more options than others, depending on the type of photo or illustration they offer.

For example, if you’re in the product photography business and looking for an image of a car seat with your logo on it, you may want to search for “product shoot” instead of just “car seat.” That way, you can be sure that all the results are relevant.

Don’t stop at one image.

The most important thing to remember when creating a product catalog is that you don’t need to stop at one image. You can use the same image in different sizes, formats, and contexts to create a cohesive and visually pleasing collection of products.

This helps your customers make quick decisions about which items they want to purchase without having to go through lots of extra steps and clicks.

It also makes it easier for search engines like Google or Bing’s image search abilities by ensuring that you have enough images on your site so they know what type of products are being sold there.

It’s worth investing some time in finding just the right stock photography.

For your product to be successful, you need to make sure your images are the best they can be.

When people see a product image, they should feel that it’s relevant and accessible in a way that reflects their own experience with the product.

Having good quality stock imagery will help create this impression for buyers—and it doesn’t have to break the bank. When running out of inspiration, you can refer to platforms like and get amazing ideas to improve your stock photography collection.


The stock photography market is massive and seems to get more crowded daily. But plenty of options are available if you’re looking for professional images to help you stand out from the crowd.

It can be daunting to narrow down all these choices, but once you know what kind of images work best for your business or blog post and how to find them in different places online, then it becomes much easier—and even fun.

Don’t forget: You should always make sure that the photos you choose align with your brand identity—and never settle for something generic just because it looks good enough at first glance.

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