How did the Project Management Bootcamp Course change in 2022?


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project management Bootcamp course

Do you have excellent organizational skills and communication skills? Are you passionate about leading teams in working toward the success of a project? Then the project management certification is for you. In a project management certification program, your leadership skills, along with a lot of other skills, are polished up.

Any individual interested in a successful project management career needs to have a Project management certification. These certifications are post-graduate degrees you can take online by managing your time and schedule to fit these programs in. A post-graduate degree in project management will increase your chances of getting hired to lead a project in any organization.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 9% increase in management jobs up to 2030. So there is no better chance than now to do a project management Bootcamp course. So in this article, let’s learn everything about the project management certification and see how the Bootcamp course has changed over the years.

Project Management tools in 2022

Project management is a complex field of study because the role of a project manager is full of responsibilities. Being a project manager means not only supervising a project but also actively taking part in the working of the project.

Depending on the requirements and complexity of a project, a project manager should know how to operate new and innovative tools. The latest project management certification includes innovative tools used while building and managing a product.

Project management tools in the Bootcamp course today include:


  • Jira
  • Minitab
  • MS Project
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
  • Apache Ant

Along with this, project managers also have to learn tools that use cloud-based technologies. The change from storing every data on the desktop to now storing it all on the cloud has made managing data an easy feat. Cloud computing has also reduced the cost of many desktop storing equipment that, earlier, only the big businesses could afford.

Cloud-based project management tools are convenient to work with and affordable for businesses of all sizes. As a result, many companies have trained their employees to use these cloud-based tools and are managing their projects there.

Project Management Salary in 2022

Inflation doesn’t just affect the prices of things we buy. It also affects our jobs and how much we make. Every year when the demand for certain jobs increases, the salaries earned by those professionals increase.

Project management salary in the US has hiked significantly in the last 2 to 3 years. So while many people struggled at their jobs during the pandemic, project managers saw a demanding hike.

According to this PMI salary survey report, the average project manager salary in 2020 was $116,000. But in 2022, the average salary went up to $165,488. This figure can even go up to $18,000, depending on the industry the project manager is working in. The project manager’s experience also factors into the individual earning more or less than the average.

Factors that affect the project management salary:

  • Demand in the market for professionals with the project management certification
  • The efficiency of new tools
  • Competency with which projects are carried out
  • Years of experience
  • Project management certification from a reputable university
  • Specialization in Project management

If you’re a fresher, your salary will be relatively lesser than the average salary of a project manager. But as you gain more hands-on experience and claim success of projects, you will become more inclined to get better salary offers.

Project Management skills required In 2022

In 2015, a project manager only needed management and leadership skills to be appointed as a project manager. A team leader would often be considered the project manager, who was in charge of the project.

But as this role evolved and professionals started getting certifications and degrees for project management, the list of skills a project manager needs has also expanded. Project management skills combine soft skills, personality traits, and technical skills. Many project management certifications train professionals in technical skills, but the soft skills often go unattended.

Here are all the project management skills you should develop:

Technical Skills

  • Agile Management
  • Customer experience design
  • Design thinking
  • Digital transformation
  • Lean six sigma
  • Project planning and scheduling

Soft Skills

  • Leadership skills
  • Risk management
  • Time management
  • Communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Problem-solving skills

Project Management Methodologies in 2022

Managing a project becomes extremely easy when you have your project management methodology. Back in the day, the most common methodology was Agile project management. Every organization worked on its projects using the same method. But today, there are around 10 different types of processes that a project manager and their team can use. Different methodologies have different purposes, so according to your project’s needs, you can choose the methodology that works best.

Popular project management methodologies:

  • Waterfall methodology
  • Agile methodology
  • Scrum methodology
  • Critical path method
  • Critical chain project management
  • Kanban methodology
  • Extreme programming
  • Lean methodology
  • Six Sigma
  • Prince2


If you have leadership skills and are interested in managing projects in your organization, the role of a project manager might be just right for you. But to fit perfectly into the role and take up all the responsibilities of a project manager, one needs to do the project management program training and get the project management certification.

Project management is an evolving and demanding field. So those who are interested in this career will be glad to know that the job of a project manager has a lot of scope in the future. Even the pandemic couldn’t slow down the PMOs. So in the next decade, there will be more jobs in many industries that require the expertise of a project manager.

The way this role is changing, it is necessary that the Bootcamp courses change too. So the project management Bootcamp course you need to apply for should cover all the essential tools, skills, and methodologies used in organizations today by project managers.

If you are looking for any further information or career guidance related to Project Management Bootcamp Course, call us at 1800-212-7688

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