Is Sourdough Bread Healthy For You?



This delicious fermented bread is filled with an abundance of flavor, versatility, and nutrition. While all carbs are not the same, nutritious whole grains should definitely play a key part in your diet for numerous reasons. In fact, whole grains like oatmeal, popcorn, barley and quinoa are all highly valued nutrients that can help to enhance your diet overall. These whole grains can also help you on your weight-loss journey.

There are numerous varieties of bread that are filled with nutritious value and Natasha Krajnc at says that consuming sourdough on a regular basis is undoubtedly beneficial for your body. There are numerous health benefits of this impressive form of bread, and these have been outlined below.

Nutritional Value of Sourdough

Whether you are purchasing sourdough from your local store or you are making your own, it contains an abundance of nutrients. The vast majority of sourdough bread is not actually made using whole-grain flour, however, if you make your own sourdough, then you can use whole-wheat flour when making your bread. The nutrition contained within a piece of sourdough bread is as follows:

  • 3g Protein
  • 84 Calories
  • 0.75g fat
  • 1g fiber
  • 10% DV folate
  • 7% DV iron.

What ultimately sets sourdough apart from other forms of bread is that it is formed by blending water and flour, as opposed to adding yeast to create leaven within the bread. According to a study conducted in 2019, the fermentation in sourdough bread helps to unlock vitamins like the B vitamins that are contained within the bread, which inherently enables vitamin B12 to be enriched within plant-based foods.

B12 is traditionally found in animal-based products so if you are vegan, eating sourdough bread is a great idea to balance your overall nutritional intake. In addition, sourdough is normally made using fortified flour so that you are receiving an abundance of folate and iron, which is crucial during the pregnancy process. 

4 Health Benefits of Eating Sourdough

1) Sourdough Is Great For Your Gut

When making sourdough, the fermentation process leads to an enhanced number of prebiotic properties within the bread. This fermentation helps to improve your gut health. You should try to make sourdough using whole-wheat flour or purchase sourdough made with whole grains, as these are far higher in fiber, which inherently provides you with more gut-enriching benefits. 

2) Sourdough Leads To Better Digestion

Even though this form of bread is not free from gluten, some sourdough consumption has been proven to assist gluten digestion. This is because the fermentation process alters any enzymes contained within the wheat which helps to counteract any unwanted reactions to the gluten in the bread. 

While those with celiac disease should not consume sourdough bread at the moment, if you are simply sensitive to gluten, then you may wish to consult with a registered dietitian in order to see whether you may be able to enjoy sourdough bread without experiencing any adverse effects.

3) Sourdough Promotes Healthy Aging

Consuming healthy whole grains and healthier bread is a traditional staple associated with Mediterranean diets. Research has indicated that these foods can positively impact the aging process. This is because the nutrients contained within fermented grain products have anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant qualities that reduce the impact of aging.

4) Sourdough Can Help To Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Healthy

Naturally, consuming negative carbs will cause blood glucose levels to rise during the digestive process. While rapid spiking and dramatic drops in blood glucose increase the risk of developing chronic illnesses, those bigger spikes are caused by eating refined grains and sugars more than eating whole grains. Thus, eating healthier pieces of bread like sourdough is more beneficial for those who have diabetes or other blood sugar related issues. 


To conclude, this article has outlined the numerous benefits of consuming sourdough bread. The fermentation process that occurs when making sourdough bread has numerous health benefits as it means that this style of bread has numerous antioxidant qualities amongst other health benefits.

Consuming sourdough can also help you to retain a healthy blood sugar level as well as assist you in losing weight. This is especially true if you are consuming whole-grain sourdough as opposed to bread that has been made using refined carbohydrates and sugars. Research has indicated that consuming sourdough also helps to promote healthy aging. Overall, these are just some of the many benefits that you will receive if you choose to consume sourdough as opposed to regular forms of bread.

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