How To Create Secure Custom Enterprise Software Applications


There are several key steps to create secure custom enterprise software applications. Modern software products are constantly exposed to sophisticated, adversarial, and malicious cyber threats. This means we need to processes, methods, and techniques to produce software components that are top-quality, as well as secure. Without security as a top priority, software will not be trusted by stakeholders or end-users. As a software engineer yourself, you’ll want to know exactly how to design, develop, and deploy secure applications. After all, software quality and performance is all about your security and testing protocols. To help you get started, read on to learn how to create secure custom enterprise software applications.

Develop A Secure Database

First and foremost, take the time to develop a secure, reliable database for your enterprise software application. Databases frequently fall vulnerable to dangerous SQL injection attacks. This is where attackers inject malicious code into a dynamic SQL document. That being said, secure database construction and maintenance practices are absolutely critical. To properly secure your architecture, keep servers and databases completely separate. It also helps to encrypt your various stored files and system backups. Furthermore, enable hardened security controls to keep your system safe moving forward. Surely, secure database development is critical to protect your custom enterprise software application.

Learn About Dangerous Software Vulnerabilities

Next, you’ll want to get familiar with all the dangerous custom software vulnerabilities. Enterprise software products are face a number of serious bugs, vulnerabilities, and other cyber threats. Ever since December 9th, the Log4shell vulnerability has reportedly been massively exploitable throughout the software development community. This dangerous threat is trivially weaponized and extremely popular. To protect against these threats, you should work with secure programming solutions, which have already proven to be unaffected. For example, all JFrog products, including Xray, Artifactory, Access, or Mission Control, are all invulnerable to this serious threat. Certainly, learn about dangerous software vulnerabilities to protect your custom enterprise application.

Follow Structured Code Review Processes

Now, you are ready to run some structured security code reviews on your enterprise software application. You need a proven process to support your software’s source code. There are several key ingredients to every effective static code analysis and review process. For a start, you’ll want to leverage automated solutions, procedures, and tests whenever possible. You’ll also want to frequently scan for potential vulnerabilities in different dependencies. This way, you can detect bugs early, promote standards compliance, and achieve higher security levels. Plus, these security-driven efforts promote stakeholder confidence and dev team cohesion. Indeed, follow structured review processes to promote custom enterprise software application security.

Establish Security-Focused Release Processes

To get your enterprise software deployed, you’ll want to carefully follow some security-focused release protocols. There’s a lot that can go wrong during release. After all, your software is going to be immersed and running in a wide-range of live environments. This is bound to cause some form of errors or bugs, requiring some form of patches. To promote security in this phase, you’ll need to perform frequent security inspections and oversee environment monitoring. It is also crucial to implement a solid incident response plan against cyberattacks. This will clearly address any potential security breaches that could occur in the future. Definitely, establishing structured releases processes is crucial to securely develop a custom enterprise software application.

Invest In Regular Security Awareness Training

To keep software security strength continuously growing, you need to invest in regular training. You want your teams to know how to detect, identify, eliminate, and prevent software security problems as well. In many cases, you don’t need to invest in expensive professional training seminars or workshops either. In fact, you can probably lead some internal training sessions by yourself. During these sessions, you can present some live vulnerabilities, then demonstrate how you would solve them. Or, you can record videos and upload them to your employee intranet learning portal. Absolutely, continuous training is critical to create and maintain secure enterprise software applications.

There are several key steps to create secure custom enterprise software applications. First off, develop a secure database. In addition, learn about dangerous software vulnerabilities, bugs, and threats. You should also dedicate times to run structured code review processes prior to release. Once you are ready, you’ll want to carefully follow secure release practices and protocols as well. Also, it is important to invest in regular security awareness training. Follow the points highlighted above to learn how to create secure custom enterprise software applications.