Your Four-Legged Friend Is Out in the Rain


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the Rain

It’s a gloomy grey day and the rain has been pouring down for a long time now. You’ve gone out to enjoy the pitter-patter of droplets on your umbrella but then you notice something. Your dog! It’s curled up in the corner under cover, watching you with its big puppy eyes as it tries to communicate something: “Take me out into the rain!” But is that really such a good idea?

Dogs Can Get Cold, Just Like Humans

Dogs can get cold just like humans. They don’t know how to bundle up to stay warm, and they’re not always as physically active as we are. While your dog may seem fine in the rain, there is a chance that he could end up shivering if he’s left outside too long without shelter or proper clothing like the ones found on PetCareRx.

If your dog starts to show signs of distress, like increased breathing rate, shivering, whining, or panting excessively, it’s time to bring him inside!

They Are More Likely to Get Cold if They’re Outside and It’s Wet

Your dog is more likely to get cold if they’re outside, especially if it’s wet. Dogs are covered in fur and have very little fat compared to humans, so they don’t have as much protection from the elements. Even on a warm day, you should bring your pup inside when it’s raining or snowing heavily.

But what about dogs that are outside all day? If your dog spends most of its time outdoors and isn’t allowed inside, then you may need to make some adjustments for their safety and comfort.

  • Make sure they have access to shelter from wind, rain, and snow while they’re outside.
  • Bring them in every hour or two when it rains, or after any significant precipitation, so that they can dry off properly before heading back out into the elements again.

Long-Haired Dogs Have Double Protection From the Cold

Long-haired dogs have double protection from the cold. The hairs that cover their bodies keep them warm. In addition, they have another layer of fat tissue that keeps them even warmer than other animals.

According to Dr. Nadeau, “The longer hair helps protect against cold because it traps air in between the hairs and along the skin surface.”

Short-Haired Dogs Need Coats When It’s Cold

Short-haired dogs aren’t as prone to the cold and it’s important for them to wear a coat if you’re going out in the rain. Dogs with shorter coats are more susceptible to hypothermia and other problems associated with being exposed to extreme temperatures. If your dog has a short coat, even in milder conditions, you should still be cautious about taking him outside when it’s raining.

You can find dog jackets specifically designed for dogs with shorter fur at most pet stores and online retailers. There are many different styles available, some are made of leather while others feature fleece linings or mesh panels that will help keep your pooch warm and dry even on rainy days.

Smaller Dogs Get Cold Faster Than Larger Ones

If you’ve ever looked at the fur of a dog, you know they’re made up of two layers, an outer coat, and an undercoat. The former provides protection against rain and sun, while the latter is designed to trap heat. When it’s cold outside, your dog’s body generates heat by producing epinephrine (adrenaline), which raises its heart rate and blood pressure. This in turn makes your pup pant or shiver as he tries to cool down.

In general, smaller dogs have less fat under their skin than larger ones do, so if it’s rainy outside and your pooch has been running around all day with his tail wagging like crazy, chances are good that he’ll start feeling chilled pretty quickly. This can happen even when it hasn’t been raining long enough.

If You’re Comfortable in a T-Shirt, Your Dog Is Probably Fine, Too

In the rain, humans are generally more susceptible to getting sick than dogs. But there’s no reason for you or your pup to be miserable all day long! If you’re comfortable in a t-shirt, your dog is probably fine, too.

Leaving the house with wet fur can be difficult, it makes them look silly and they often feel uncomfortable. However, having fur means they don’t have to worry about getting cold or being uncomfortable with rain on their skin. Even if your dog does get soaked during a walk or run outside, that doesn’t mean he’ll get sick from it, in fact, most dogs will shake off any excess water after 30 seconds of walking around outside!

Dry Your Dog off as Soon as You Come Inside

If your dog was out in the rain, it’s important to dry him off as soon as you bring him inside. Not only will this help prevent hypothermia and other heat-related illnesses, but being wet also makes them more likely to get sick.

To dry your four-legged friend, follow these steps:

  • Keep a towel handy and pat your dog down with it when he comes inside. Don’t rub him vigorously or he could get cold from losing his body heat too quickly!
  • If needed, throw another towel on top of the first one so that both are absorbing moisture at once.
  • Wrap up your pup in both towels until he’s mostly dry, then remove them carefully so that you don’t make him chilly again!

You Might Need to Cut Your Walk Short if He Seems Uncomfortable

  • You might need to cut your walk short if he seems uncomfortable in the cold or wet weather.
  • Dogs don’t have a lot of fat to protect them from the cold, so they can get hypothermia just like humans do.
  • Dogs need lots of exercises to stay warm and dry, so make sure you keep their walks and playtime on schedule even when it’s raining or snowing outside.
  • Though dogs are more resistant than humans are to frostbite, that doesn’t mean they’re immune! If your pup is wet for an extended period of time, there’s a good chance he’ll develop hypothermia.

So there you have it, these steps will keep your pup safe and sound during rainy days.