Like many Americans, you may need help paying your bills. What are your options? Many local banks have a bill pay service for their customers. There are several state agencies that offer help to their residents. Therefore, you should find an agency in your local area. There are also organizations locally and nationally that provide help. Some of them are non-profit groups or social services within the government. You can get help with your utility bills, rental assistance, food, medical help, and even your mortgage loan from the various entities mentioned above. You may also find resources and help to save money, training programs, and coupons, budgeting tools, and financial education. Let’s look into those options.
Bill Payment
If you owe money to your creditors or utility company due to negligence, you can negotiate bills for a specific payment plan. However, it would be best to have a system where you never miss a payment. Many banks and credit unions offer bill payment services to those who are not so disciplined in paying their bills on time each month. Rather than writing a check and mailing it to the creditor, bill payment is an online service offered for convenience and so you don’t forget bill payments. These financial institutions will automatically pay your bills each month. Some will send payment reminders to you on a monthly basis for your credit card bills, mortgage, rent, and utility.
Housing Assistance
There are government and non-profit programs that help local residents pay their rent and mortgages. Some of these organizations even help provide security deposits for renting an apartment or home. However, you have to prove you are a low-income family. If you are a single mother and below the poverty level, the government has programs. There is an application process that you have to get through before you are approved. The objective of these programs is to stop residents from getting evicted or having their home taken from them due to mortgage delinquency. One of those programs is Section 8 where the government pays your rent each month once you are approved. If you have a federally backed mortgage, then you may be able to get help from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.
Immediate Help
There are times when a tenant may be faced with a crisis, which was unexpected. In those times, the tenant needs to know the various resources available for immediate assistance. The federal government has programs where you could be placed in an apartment or approved for subsidized housing. The government considers this to be an emergency. For your mortgage, the government will help with portions of the amount and only for a specific amount of time, depending on your particular needs.
If you are homeless, the government and charitable organizations offer special help in terms of shelter, such as free hotel or motel rooms on a short-term basis in the form of vouchers. There is also transitional housing for the homeless, single mothers, and low income individuals. The government also has grants for low-income families for assistance with security deposit and legal consultation, if someone finds that they are being bombarded by credits due to unpaid bills. In some cases, there is a waiting list, but there are emergency programs, if you qualify.
Utility Bills
If you are unable to pay your utility bills, it is recommended that you try different ways to reduce energy. If your bill is still too high with less consumption, then your utility company could have payment programs to consider. Many of these programs require proof of income and an explanation of your financial situation. There are local charity organizations that also offer help. Many states also have utility programs where residents can obtain help paying their utility bills. This includes gas, heating, and electricity. There are also grants available, such as LIHEAP, which is a grant program that helps single moms, seniors, low income families and people with disabilities.
Other government agencies, the Salvation Army, churches, utility companies, and charity organizations offer help with water bills and phone bill payment, especially for low income individuals, senior citizens, or those having problems with paying their bills. Using services offering bill payments will help you avoid late fees. If you want to learn more about paying your bills, go to the Goalry platform and Billry Store.