
Hiring and Retention Struggles

It’s no secret that one of the best ways to ensure your employee will succeed is to be able to hold onto your best employees and help them flourish within the company. Unfortunately, especially since the beginning of 2020, many companies have seen startling numbers of employees quit and struggle to hire despite offering what they think is a reasonable wage.

A lot goes into hiring and retention, and plenty of struggles within it make it difficult to keep up. These are the main struggles: and how you can solve them.

The Main Hiring Struggles

Hiring is difficult, and it’s becoming more difficult as the wage gap grows. The largest complaint workers have right now is that wages aren’t keeping up with the cost of housing, food, and entertainment. So if they see a job with an hourly rate below $15, almost any qualified worker will immediately start looking elsewhere.

Beyond this, many workers expect clarity in a job listing. If they notice that a company doesn’t publicly list the wages or is secretive about what benefits, hours, or work can be expected: they often won’t apply.

How Hiring Can Be Made Easier

Hiring should be made as easy as possible for both parties. To do this, be clear on your wages, benefits, and needs. It would help if you also were reasonable on each of these. One of the largest complaints that job-seekers have is that companies aren’t clear or ask too many people for jobs, especially entry-level work. Take the time to create an open and welcoming application that’s realistic about what your employees should be capable of doing. When hiring, make it easier on HR by using onboarding software to walk these new employees through every step until their first day in the office.

The Main Retention Struggles

Companies can’t retain employees because they don’t feel like they’re listened to, or they feel overworked due to under-hiring and lower pay. Although you may be working hard to hire more employees, that doesn’t help the current employees who are already whittled down from stress.

Many also don’t feel like their companies are open to discussing wages, stress, or anything else that can be hampering their work.

How Retention Can Be Made Easier

The most important thing a company can do to ensure employees stay in 2022 onward: is to listen to their employees. Create a forum to bring forward their concerns and don’t just brush them off or get offended. Have that conversation. If they feel listened to and like they can have a say in any small part of the company, they’re far more likely to stay and continue to work with it. It’s important to talk with them and offer solutions that work for both of you.

Companies and Employees Need to Work Towards a Common Goal

There’s nothing that can hold a company back faster than losing employees or being unable to hire anyone at all. However, by following some of these tips, you can help your company succeed and continue to grow.

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