Free time is mainly for recreation. The concept of work-life balance is very popular; people would like to balance out their work with as much pleasure and relaxation as possible. But you should also use some of your spare time to strengthen your skills for your job. This is not only possible through special further training. After all, soft skills are similarly important as hard knowledge.
Table of Contents
0.1 Do your regular memory training
0.2 Steel your nerves with games and sports
0.3 Learn something that’s totally new for you
0.4 Open yourself to new contacts
0.5 But: Don’t forget to relax!
Do your regular memory training
Regular memory training helps to keep the brain cells permanently active. This works digitally via logic and puzzle games as well as analogously with puzzles and games of various kinds. Some people traditionally buy their weekly puzzle books, while others keep downloading new brain jogging apps. Those who are really serious about it, occupy themselves with the 8 best professional memory techniques. It’s even fun – and it helps noticeably. Regular training also contributes to maintain brain flexibility as we age. So, we are dealing with an extremely sustainable, long-term measure. Anything but a waste of time.
Steel your nerves with games and sports
If you want to make a career, you need strong nerves. That’s why it’s a good idea to additionally steel your nerves in your free time, for example by taking part in extreme sports. However, this is no fun for everyone. Most people consider it as enough to play slots for real money every day. Corresponding reputable providers can be found on the comparison portal The platform lists digital casinos and their conditions clearly, so that users can orient themselves well. The service is free of charge and without obligation, but real money is required to use some of the slots.
Learn something that’s totally new for you
It has long been known that our brain has extremely complex functions. If you constantly put the grey cells under one-sided strain, you will eventually also think in a one-sided way. And entrenched thinking can definitely block your career! That’s why we recommend starting something new and completely unknown from time to time. This can mean learning a musical instrument without having any idea about music beforehand. Or taking a writing course and writing your own novel. Or teaching yourself a new foreign language, using only digital tools. No matter what you choose, each time a new world opens up that takes your skills to a new level.
Open yourself to new contacts
Building and maintaining interpersonal relationships also needs to be learned. This is true in business as well as in your private world. If you don’t like being with people, you should practice social interactions to keep at it. This works, for example, by visiting nice neighbors or inviting them over. Various courses, for example at VHS Learning, also help you get in touch with new people who even have similar interests. Always meeting the same people is not good in the long run as you need to build a professional network with different ideas. On the other hand, it is worthwhile to think outside the box in conversations with new acquaintances, to get to know other opinions and personalities. With this training up your sleeve, you`ll also get along better with new people on the job.
Expand your skills autodidactically
As we already said, don’t have to attend an expensive seminar to expand your job-related skills. Instead you can teach yourself with a little bit of discipline and good will, there are more than enough opportunities online. Find a video course on a topic you’ve always been interested in, even if it’s “just” a related field. Or look for an app that teaches you new skills. Of course, you can also just buy new textbooks and browse through them, just like in the old days. Before long, you’ll be surprising your colleagues and your boss with your new knowledge and perhaps boosting your career with it.
But: don’t forget to relax!
Whatever you do to strengthen your skills on the job, think about the time off you need, too. It’s easy to get bogged down and become a workaholic. In between, just lie down in the grass, watch the clouds and hum a song. Or go out for a nice dinner with your partner and leave the job out of the conversation. That way, you create space in your head and heart so that you can easily get back to work afterwards. And the famous work-life balance comes naturally.