How to Write a Perfect Dissertation


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Write a Perfect Dissertation

Although it is difficult to write a graduate dissertation, it can be very rewarding and fun. This stage of your studies should allow you to show that you can apply your knowledge independently to create a new piece of research. It will enhance the quality of life for future generations. We want to encourage self-development by asking you to write a dissertation that is both grounded in existing scholarship and that offers new insights. Newton said that we can see further if we stand on the shoulders of giants. Here are some tips to help you complete your dissertation on time and in the right way and don’t say ‘help me write my dissertation’.

Do your research and read a lot.

Although it may seem obvious, this is important. You will need to read extensively about your topic in order to write a dissertation. You will learn more about your topic the more you read, and you will be able write with more authority. It is important to read academic literature and to add specialist publications and journalistic information. This is an academic piece of writing, so it’s important to not consider the latter your primary source of information. The primary literature you should read is books and peer-reviewed journal articles, written by well-known authors. These articles should be published by an academic publisher. Journalistic sources and specialist journals, no matter how well-written and sourced they may be, should not be considered academic works.

Because some resources are not easily accessible, you will need to be resourceful when trying to find reading materials. I believe this is the most fun part of research. You will need to travel to find information and access documents. This is what separates research projects and essays. You will not find everything, so you must be ready to search for it.

  1. Focus on your audience and write with them in mind

No matter how much time or space you have, you will never be able write a complete work on a topic. There are word limits that must be followed when writing dissertations. A dissertation with a significant word limit will not be given a high mark by examiners. This is because it helps you to develop your research and writing skills. A dissertation’s purpose is to teach you how to identify high-relevant and low-quality information. It also teaches you how to analyze it and present your findings clearly and concisely. It is a way to improve your analytical and research skills. You do not get a good grade if you can’t show you are capable of doing this by sticking to the word limit.

This is possible by narrowing down the topic of your research. At graduate level, depth is better than breadth. The approach you choose should be decided and maintained throughout the project. The thread does not have to be straight. You may find it difficult to follow the thread when you write. You must be able justify all that you include and exclude. It’s not enough to say “XXXX is pertinent but space constraints prohibit me from including it here.” Solid reasons must be given for your decision, and they should come from your approach or your method.

Let me give you an example of my work:

Although we must mention the following issues, this book does not explore the causes of Japan’s low fertility, ageing society or Japan’s industrial restructuring. These questions are well-examined elsewhere. We will instead describe how Japan’s demographic shrinkage is playing across Japan and how people in these regions are reacting to it.

Notice how I managed to avoid the tedious task of filling up the space with unnecessary background information. I simply stated how and why it was not necessary or strictly relevant here. This gave me more room to write about what I found more interesting and relevant.

This is because you are writing an academic paper intended for academic audiences. Assume the reader is familiar with the subject and has an understanding of its significance and meaning. This will allow you to focus on what is important to you and not have to write pages upon pages of background information. This will require you to use your analytical and judgment skills at a higher level than you might have previously. Academic writing is not the exact same thing as vanity publishing. It is important to understand your audience and adapt your text to their needs. This can be difficult for someone with no experience but it is an important life skill that you will learn from writing dissertations.

  1. Use marker and signposts.

Imagine that you are leading your reader on a forest path they’ve never taken before. Sometimes you’ll need to describe where you have been, what you are doing, and why. In the introduction chapter, you might give the reader your reasoning for selecting your subject, your methodology and approach to the subject and a brief summary of the information in the following chapters. The main body and conclusion should now be a summary of the reasons you are going in that direction and why it is the best way to go.

Your questions, and if possible, the reasons you chose to exclude information or arguments that could be relevant. You may also feel the need to reference earlier arguments, which can help the reader to be more confident that you are still following the thread. You will find many different phrases and techniques used by authors to accomplish the above. These phrases and techniques can be used in your work.

Another example is from my work:

These unfolding crises brought the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown to the Tohoku area, which dealt the region its greatest loss in recent history. The disaster has caused significant damage to three prefectures. It raises difficult questions about Japan’s governance and policy-making, as well as the direction of postwar development in Japan. This article will examine the extent of the disaster as well as the major issues it exposed. The final discussion will bring together all the topics and discuss the three principles of a sustainable, safe, and compassionate society that Prime Minster Naoto Kan has proposed as his vision for post-quake reconstruction.

All that is left to say is: Have fun and good luck!