
The Life of an Outdoor Adventurer: The Bad, the Good, and the Amazing

While you probably love being on the internet  – after all, you’re reading this guide – there’s a part of you that’s yearning for life on the wild side. Have you ever thought about becoming an outdoor adventurer?

It’s a great way to explore your country or even the world at large. It’s a fantastic form of exercise and can help you make new friends. The outdoor lifestyle will be one of the best experiences of your life.

But, of course, there are also many challenges that come with outdoor adventures.

Here’s what you need to know:

Are You in Good Shape?

For the first part of our guide, we’ll discuss preparing for your outdoor adventures. Use this to decide if you’re ready to embark on this journey. First, let’s start with looking after your health.

One of the reasons why many Americans don’t experience the outdoor lifestyle is due to poor health. Before you venture to the Rockies or to Yellowstone, for instance, you have to ensure you’re in the best shape.

Your first step should be to go for a physical exam. Your physician will tell you what you need to do to get into better shape. Take their advice seriously before you begin your outdoor adventures.

You don’t have to be perfect, but you must be around your ideal weight for your height and age. You should also have strength and stamina.

Make sure you’re also well-rested. You’ll need to get adequate sleep to sustain the energy for your adventures.

As a side note, you’ll also have to look after your mental health. Even if you plan a short trip, you might be away from your friends and family for several weeks.

It can be lonely traveling outdoors. While it’s comforting to be away from the chaos of the city, it can often feel isolating. Try to keep in touch with your friends and family when you can. 

Learn the Skills

The next step is to learn the necessary skills to survive outdoors. Let’s look at a few of the skills you’ll need for various scenarios.

First Aid

Invest in a first aid kit and learn how to use it. If you can, take a course on first aid and handling medical emergencies. You may need to heal wounds, cover scrapes, and cleanse yourself during your adventures.

As a side tip, make sure you keep a list of nearby clinics and hospitals when you travel. For example, if you travel to a new town, you should have the addresses and contact information of the local medical facilities.

Always carry a surplus of any medication you need. Once again, ask your physician if you’ll need any medication for your trip.  Make sure you keep a copy of your prescription at all times. You should also carry over-the-counter medicine during your travels.

Hunting and Fishing

You’ll have to expect long periods when you won’t have access to a supermarket or restaurant. If you wish to go camping in the woods, you’ll have to master both hunting and fishing.

Please research the local hunting and fishing laws in each jurisdiction before you begin your travels. You may need to have an updated gun and fishing license before you travel. You’ll also need to study the laws for which animals and fish are prohibited to kill, if any.


If you aren’t a great cook, then you’ll have to become one fast! Maintaining your diet during your outdoor adventures isn’t always the easiest feat. You’ll have to learn how to cook while in the woods.

Make sure you bring along cooking utensils, frying pans, and pots. You’ll also need an abundance of matches, lighters, lighter fluids, etc. If you like barbecue, you may need to buy charcoal and a grill.

If you travel in a van you can use the van’s kitchen for cooking. Learn more about van conversions to see how you can customize your van for the greatest comfort during your outdoor adventures. 


This is a skill many of us would prefer to avoid thinking about! While you hope for the best on your travels, you must prepare for the worst.

It’s possible you may get attacked while living the outdoor lifestyle. You can be attacked by wildlife or by another person. In both scenarios, you’ll need to be prepared.

It’s wise to take a few self-defense classes before you leave. If you own a firearm, make sure you learn how to use it for protection. You can also carry other weapons and deterrents if needed. Make sure you learn about the jurisdiction’s laws regarding weapons before you travel.

With animals, there are certain animals you may need to run from. There are others whom you’ll have no choice but to fight back against. Do your research on how to approach these scenarios.

These are some of the basic skills to master before your travels. Once you start traveling, expect to pick up more along the way!

Dress for the Occasion

You’ll have to have different sets of clothes to adapt to the outdoor lifestyle. You’ll need several pairs of shorts for traveling during the summer. But you’ll also need pants for colder weather and to protect against injuries or abrasions.

It’s also best to bring hats and other headgear. For warm weather, a cap should be sufficient. If it’s extremely hot, you may want to wear a cowboy hat. Beanies and wool skull caps are ideal for cold weather.

Carry accessories with you, such as sunglasses, gloves, scarves, mufflers, etc. It’s best to pack an abundance of socks and underwear as well.

With the outdoor lifestyle, your clothes have to be utilitarian. For example, shorts and pants should have extra pockets. It’s best to wear cargo-style bottoms. Likewise, jackets should have multiple pockets. 

Tools of the Trade

You’ll need to bring along a few tools to adapt to the outdoor lifestyle. Here is a list of tools and gadgets to consider:

  • Flashlight
  • Lantern
  • Basic mechanic tools (for your van)
  • Knife
  • Machete (if permitted in your target jurisdictions)
  • Safety goggles
  • Compass and other GPS tools
  • Shelter (tent, sleeping bag, blankets)

These are just the basics, and you can bring additional tools if needed. Reach out to other outdoor adventurers to ask about what they carry on their trips.

Now let’s move on to the next part to see what to expect from an outdoor lifestyle.  

Fun or Hassle?

The thought of traveling and living outdoors excites some and frightens others. The truth is that an outdoor lifestyle will bring you joy and strife simultaneously.

As a result, you’ll have to prepare yourself for the stress of the outdoor lifestyle. You may have to drive your van for several hours to reach the next campground, for example. Before you know it, you’ve got a flat tire, and you may have to fix it yourself.

There will be situations when you’ll be hiking in the mountains or wandering in a forest by yourself. At times, having nature to yourself is a blessing. Other times, you’ll feel lonely, and you can even feel depressed in extreme circumstances.

The outdoor lifestyle gives you a chance to meet others. If you stay at campgrounds, you can make new friends. But as you’re all travelers, you’ll go your separate ways eventually. You can get attached to people and then miss them when your paths diverge.

Of course, being an outdoor adventurer is an absolutely worthwhile experience. The hassles shouldn’t deter you at all. Just ensure that you’re prepared for such challenges.

Great Exercise

One of the rewards of the outdoor lifestyle is the exercise opportunities. You’ll spend several hours walking, hiking, climbing, swimming, and much more. 

You’ll feel much better and happier with this exercise. The exercise will also tire you at times. You might have to take several days each month to rest and postpone exploring further.

In many cases, you’ll never have to visit a gym during your adventures! However, you may still wish to visit a gym for strength training to prepare for further travel.


Hydration is one of the biggest challenges of outdoor living. There might be times when you’ll be in an area without proximity to a water source. 

You’ll have to carry a surplus of water with you. You can also carry juice, soda, tea, and coffee. But water should always be your primary source of hydration. 

Buy at least one portable water bottle. It’s best to invest in a steel water bottle with a cooling function. This keeps your water cold at all times. You can also buy gallon jugs of water from your local pharmacy or supermarket. Store these in your van and keep as many as you can in your fridge.

You can also invest in a water purification system. This cleanses your water if you collect it from another source, such as a river or lake.

Learn About the Terrain and Climate

Before you venture outdoors, make sure you study the terrain and climate conditions. For example, let’s suppose you plan on spending your summer at Yellowstone National Park.

You’ll have to research the type of terrain at Yellowstone. You’ll then have to prepare to venture into this terrain. For example, you might suffice with hiking boots or even sneakers. 

But what if you’re planning on going to the Rockies during winter? Make sure you buy winter gear suited for such conditions. You’ll also have to study and plan for survival during harsh snowfall.

What happens if you venture across terrain that you have no experience with? What happens if you have to deal with an unfamiliar climate? 

In such a scenario, it’s best to travel with a partner or in a group. Have others help you get acquainted with new horizons. As you gain experience, you can later venture solo.

Exploring a new terrain and climate can be a major challenge. But it’s one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have as an outdoor adventurer. If you’re from sunny Florida, you’ll marvel at the snow in the Rockies. If you’re from Minnesota, the warmth of the Grand Canyon in the summer will leave you in awe!

Tell the Tale

As we wrap up the guide, you’ve probably come to the realization that being an outdoor adventurer is a rewarding experience. It has quite a few stress points but is nonetheless worth the struggle!

One of the most amazing aspects of being an outdoor adventurer is documenting your lifestyle. Whether you’re going on a park adventure or buying offroad equipment, there’s a fascinating story behind it.

So what should you do? Make sure you document your outdoor adventures and share them. 

Carry at least one journal with you at all times. If you’re going out for the day, carry this journal in your bag. Try to write about your adventures every day. 

You should also carry a camera with you. If you don’t have space, make sure your smartphone has a high-quality camera. Take as many pictures and videos of your adventures as you can. You can even consider recording vlogs of your lifestyle and sharing them online.

You can also carry a voice recording device along with a few portable microphones. You can use this to record yourself discussing your outdoor adventurers. If you meet other adventurers, be sure to interview them about their experiences.

Being an outdoor adventurer has its ups and downs. But it’s one of the most memorable experiences you’ll have, and you won’t regret it! 

Become an Outdoor Adventurer

Now you know the good, the bad, and the amazing aspects of life as an outdoor adventurer. Ultimately, it’s one of the best decisions you’ll make in your life.

Start by learning a variety of skills to survive on your adventures. These will range from basic first aid to self-defense. You’ll also have to research different locations and how to adapt to them.

Don’t start your journey until you’ve got your van ready. You’ll also need the right outfits and gear for outdoor adventures.

We know you’ll enjoy your adventure! Check out our other articles for more travel tips!

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