Understanding the Holistic Approach to Modern Medicine and How It Helps


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Modern Medicine

When medical professionals consider health problems, they isolate the issue and treat it alone. While this traditionally only included physical problems, the medical profession is now improving when it comes to mental health problems. On the contrary, the holistic approach considers more than just one area in isolation. It considers the whole person, including:

  • Spirit
  • Body
  • Emotion
  • Mind

By improving everything, the idea is that you’ll live a healthier life in the long term. The holistic approach to modern medicine is all about finding optimal health and achieving true balance. If one part of the body isn’t working as expected, the holistic approach says that this is likely to impact other parts of the body too. With an imbalance, health suffers, and the individual has a poor standard of living.

At this point, it’s important to dispel a common myth that surrounds the holistic approach because it doesn’t ignore or discredit modern medicine. In many cases, holistic doctors will recommend conventional medicine. However, they will also recommend additional treatments to reach optimal health rather than treating single problems in isolation.

As an example, let’s say that somebody experiences constant migraines. In this case, conventional medicine is important to deal with pain and make life more comfortable in the short term. Yet, holistic doctors feel as though this approach puts wallpaper over cracks because it doesn’t deal with the underlying issue. Consequently, holistic doctors will suggest other treatments to rebalance the body.

If the person experiences serious migraines, a holistic doctor will ask why this is the case. Do they have a poor sleeping pattern? Are they not drinking enough water during the day? Do they have bad eyesight, and the strain is causing severe headaches? Do they spend too long staring at devices? Is it stress?

As well as drugs, the holistic doctor will create a treatment plan that also includes lifestyle changes and other treatments like cold water immersion therapy. By treating the underlying issue, the aim is to remove the problem and eliminate the migraines beyond just using drugs to cover the pain.

Core Principles of Holistic Medicine

Firstly, practitioners of the holistic approach believe that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, given the right conditions. What’s more, they believe that a patient is a person that needs to be treated as such rather than as a problem. Also, they believe that the relationship between the doctor and the patient is essential. By teaming up together, the patient can find the balance that they need for optimal health.

As you’ve seen, another important principle is that alleviating the symptoms isn’t always enough. If somebody broke their leg, painkillers wouldn’t be enough. Fortunately, doctors know how to perform surgery and rehabilitate. Yet, this principle isn’t carried across to all ailments. With migraines and similar issues, the most common treatment is drugs. While this helps in the short term, it’s only a matter of time before the problem returns because the underlying issue is still present.

In terms of treatment, education is vital with the holistic approach. This includes educating patients about positive lifestyle changes, wellness, counselling, diet, relationships, and more. While conventional doctors are somewhat limited in the services they provide, holistic doctors don’t have the same restrictions and often dip into alternative therapies such as chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, and naturopathy.

With this in mind, you’ll find holistic treatment for inflammation, migraines, and many other ailments these days. Through positive changes and the right treatments, you’ll achieve a perfect balance and optimal health once again!