What Should You Do If You’re A Victim Of Sexual Abuse?


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Sexual Abuse

If you’ve been the victim of sexual violence or rape, you know it’s like to feel humiliated and violated. There may be more to coping with emotional trauma than surviving the incident. However, there are a variety of strategies to begin the process of healing. In the judicial process, you may sue your attacker for money damages in addition to filing a criminal prosecution against them. The victim may also be entitled to further financial compensation if other parties, such as the assailant’s employer or the property maintenance of the attack site, are legally responsible for the occurrence. Even when there’s no criminal prosecution or the attacker is acquitted at trial, these legal remedies are still accessible since civil trials have a lower threshold of evidence. Please read on to understand how best to defend your legal rights as a sexual assault victim so that your criminal and civil cases have the most excellent chance of succeeding in court. Protect any evidence, call the police, get medical assistance right away, and contact an expert Atlanta sexual assault lawyers right away if you or a loved one was the victim of a sexual assault.

  • Defending Your Rights And Interests

Victims of sexual assault or abuse should take immediate steps to safeguard their legal rights. A victim of an attack needs to report it immediately to law enforcement so that they may get as much evidence and information from the victim’s body as possible. Before speaking with an attorney, the victim should refrain from discussing the occurrence with anybody.

  • Inquiring For Help

Medical emergency services and police must be summoned immediately. The problem will be handled compassionately by a team of experts. Many towns provide crisis counseling as an alternative to contacting the police if the victim prefers. In the aftermath of a sexual assault, sexual assault counselors may assist victims in dealing with the emotional implications of the attack and many other issues.

Also Read:  Los Angeles violent crime attorney

  • Immediately Schedule A Medical Exam

An immediate medical examination may identify all of the victim’s injuries, preserve proof of the attack if the victim decides to press charges and pursue a civil claim, give treatment to avoid sexually transmitted infections, and provide information regarding the likelihood of a pregnancy. Patients worried about becoming pregnant may need to ask for information about emergency contraception in specific states or institutions.

  • Looking At All Of Your Options

The choices available to a victim depend on the state. It is possible to sue the perpetrators of an assault for damages and seek benefits from a victims’ fund run by the government. Depending on the circumstances, a sufferer may also be entitled to compensation from “third parties.”

A variety of third parties may have had a responsibility to the victim. Still, it may be held partly accountable for the crime’s commission, such as landlords, taverns, restaurants, shops, parking garages, colleges, institutions, bus or railway stations, hospitals, and schools. There are many examples of this, such as when a landlord is obligated to provide enough protection so that an intruder can’t just stroll in the door. A landlord may be held accountable for any sexual assaults in the flat due to failing to install locks on the doors. Contact an expert plaintiffs’ legal firm for help if you’ve been the victim of sexual violence and have questions or worries about receiving compensation.

Final Thoughts

A sexual assault survivor should not have to go through it alone. Relatives, families, medical professionals, law enforcement officers, and lawyers may all be a great source of support and assistance when you need it.  Other civil legal services, such as divorce, parental rights, housing, employment, wills, migration, education, bankruptcies, and emancipation of children, may be required since sexual assault may influence every aspect of a victim’s life. Victims of sex abuse may rely on an experienced sexual abuse lawyer to guide them through the maze of services and alternatives available while giving emotional support.