5 Top Tips For Beer Homebrewing Beginners



Taking up home brewing can be a great new hobby for anyone who enjoys their booze. It can be a great way to spend less money, enjoy different beers, and experiment with your brewing skills. 

However, you need to start off by looking at guides for home brewing beer, and buying the necessary equipment to brew beer. Doing so can save from problems and headaches around an incorrect brew as well as preventing any wasted ingredients. 

Home brewing can seem a bit tricky for a beginner, but it needn’t be as hard as you might think, however, taking note of a few different things can make one hell of a difference and can make a massive difference. 

So, today we will go over 5 different tips that will help you make good decisions as you learn how to home brew different beers. 

#1. Cleanliness Is Key

Any home brewer should know the number one rule of brewing your own beers at home. This rule is simply sanitation. Which is especially important as part of the cooling of the brew. 

You need to consider the potentials of contamination, reduce the risks of contamination as you should consider buying a coiled immersion chiller. 

These are ideal as they are super easy to maintain and to clean and to cool wort. 

They help keep things clean, and make cleaning extra easy for you too.

#2. Always Prepare Your Yeast Correctly 

Yeast is so important in home brewing, beers need yeast, but if you don’t prepare it right, your beer will not be one anyone is going to be eager to drink. 

You need to let the yeast sit in the fridge for a long time, usually months, then you will need to give it the right nutrition and adequate oxygen for it to really get the job perfect. 

If you have created a happy yeast, then it will reward you in the end with a delicious tasting beer. It is well worth the length process and all the effort.

#3. Always be Thoughtful With The Alcohol levels

As you get started as a brewer, it can be a bit hard to manage your higher gravity fermentation when it comes to strong and more alcohol heavy beers. 

If you go too light, this would leave fewer room for errors as there is not really anywhere you can hide a flaw. 

Ideally, as a beginner you should be looking at staying within the range of around 5% to 7% ABV, or at least around this area. 

#4. Less Is More

It is best to start off simple. Do research, and get a good recipe lineup that you ideally want to brew. 

Yet, you want to keep the recipes fairly simple. 

Do note that more is not always better, in fact, more than often, less is more. Just because a bag of crystal L can come in a 1 lb bag does not mean that you should just use the whole bag in your recipe. 

Just stick to a few recipes and use them, you can play around when you are a bit more used to brewing but stick to these recipes as you start. If you veer too far off recipe then you have a higher chance of overdoing it and messing up your beer.

#5. Never Neglect Your Water

While simplifying the process is very important when you want to have fun as you start home brewing, nothing can destroy a beer batch faster than not identifying any potential issues you may have cropped up with your water. 

If your water is questionable, start off with reverse osmosis, or even a distilled water. 

If you decide to brew with municipal water then you need to check over the water before you use it to make sure that the water is chloramine/ chlorine free. This can be done in a very simple test, just add one half of a campden tablet to 10 gallons of brewing water. 

Or if you want an even simpler process then slowly filter it through a carbon block filter. 

If you are a bit skeptical about your local water supply and do not know if it will be safe enough to use, do not neglect the opportunity to research your city’s water department. 

Or, you could send a sample of water over to a laboratory for a more brewing-specified water test. While it sounds like a lot of trouble just to test your water, it can save you a lot of trouble later on down the line. 

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