6 Plants Against The Stress


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Are you looking for plants against stress? Do you feel tired, irritable or anxious?

For some time now, you have been experiencing difficulties in concentrating and memorizing information? Do you have muscular tension, sleep disorders?

You may be suffering from stress. This disease of the century has consequences on your health.

We propose to explain to you exactly what stress is, its causes and its consequences on health.

Then, we will share with you the herbal teas to drink to relax.

Prepare yourself a good cup of herbal tea to accompany your reading!

What is stress?

According to the Larousse, stress is a “reactionary state of the body subjected to a sudden aggression”.

However, we distinguish stress from anxiety. Indeed, stress is an adaptation mechanism of the body that allows us to react to our environment.

It can lead to several emotions, including anxiety.

Stress also causes physical reactions in the body.

To go further, we make another distinction, between so-called “positive” stress (also called “eustress”) and “negative” stress.

If positive stress is vital (it allows you to react to a danger), its negative equivalent becomes harmful for the body, by its chronicity.

How to tell if you’re stressed | Symptoms of stress

Not sure if you are really stressed? You should know that the symptoms of stress can manifest themselves in different ways:

  • psychological symptoms: overwork, anxiety, anguish, irritability, difficulty concentrating, making decisions, relationship problems, obsessive thought flow, etc.
  • physiological symptoms: muscle tension and pain, sweating, sleep disorders, headaches, intense fatigue, eczema, eating disorders (including the possible triggering of certain addictions), dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, etc.

Causes and factors of stress

Any stimulus that creates a stress response is called a stressor.

It can be as simple as a change in the outside temperature, whether it is too hot or too cold.

It can also be a toxin, a poison, an emotional shock (after an accident, death, serious illness, etc.), severe bleeding from an injury, etc.

Other parameters include the age of the person. Indeed, a teenager may be stressed by school, conflicts with his entourage.

An adult may feel stress in his or her professional life or in order to succeed in leading a personal life at the same time, etc.

It is also important to understand that we are not all equal when it comes to stress.

In fact, one person can live well with the situation while another will have more difficulties in the same context and will thus have a lot of trouble coping.

Positive and negative stress: what are the differences?

Positive stress

Before taking a closer look at plants against stress, let’s go a little further to understand what we are talking about.

We talk about positive (or “acute”) stress when we have to face a new situation. It is then beneficial and allows us to adapt.

Finally, it is a bit like anything that takes us out of our comfort zone and teaches us how to handle the unexpected.

Like when your mother-in-law drops by unexpectedly and your living room is a battlefield. Get the idea? 

We can also take the example of a professional responsibility, with for example a presentation of a new product in front of a large audience.

In both cases, adrenaline will help you cope.

Positive stress is short and its effects are easily regulated, keeping the body in balance (this is called homeostasis).

Only if the tension felt lasts longer, the body will then give a response to the stress.

This is known as a general adaptation syndrome and we are now talking about chronic stress.

Negative stress or chronic stress

The general adaptation syndrome was put forward by Hans Selye, one of the pioneers of stress research. It is a sequence of changes on the physical level, comprising three phases.

The initial alarm reaction

We also talk about escape.

We then experience a stressful situation, such as an encounter with a snake while walking in the forest.

The body reacts immediately by secreting adrenaline into the bloodstream and nerve endings.

The heart rate increases, as well as the blood pressure, to mobilize energy, to have a better oxygenation of the tissues, a vasoconstriction of the vessels and an increase in blood concentration.

In parallel, the immune system is stimulated.

Everything is set up so that we are able to fight or flee, depending on the danger.

We go on “automatic pilot” to take action, without thinking.

Another example is a person who is taking an exam.

Her heart beats rapidly and her hands are sweaty: she has stage fright.

However, they eventually take action either by writing or speaking, depending on the nature of the exam.

By taking action, a return to calm occurs and this phase ends.

The adaptation or resistance reaction

Here the exposure to stress lasts longer.

Let’s imagine the person taking his exam.

There is a delay and she has to wait her turn.

She will then have to manage her stress over a longer period than she imagined.

Her body does its best to adapt, hence the name adaptation reaction.

A secretion of cortisol takes place in order for the person to cope.

If cortisol is naturally produced in the morning when we wake up to give us the impulse to start the day, here it allows us to survive.

And this can last a long time. We can also take the example of an unsympathetic and very demanding superior.

To cope with the pressure, cortisol increases chronically. One can then feel anxiety, have digestive problems, insomnia, etc..

The exhaustion phase

This phase is the longest.Here we are exposed to the stressor for a long time and the body is no longer able to adapt despite attempts to “boost” it with adrenaline peaks.

We run down our nutrient reserves and can then collapse physically and psychologically. This is where depression can occur, a burn out or even a heart attack, cancer, etc.

We are unable to adapt to the situation and do not know what to do.

And as the human body is definitely an extraordinary “machine”, our brain continues to accompany us until we have made a decision or found a solution to our problem.

While waiting, the body tries to restart the movement by sending the blocked emotion to the body where it will manifest itself through various symptoms, such as eczema, digestive problems, crying fits, etc.

The body tries to heal. And if we have so much difficulty to find the solution it is because we often do not identify the true cause of our stress.

An introspection can then be necessary and saving. In this case, it is important to be accompanied, in particular by a kinesiologist.

The consequences of stress on health

A little more patience before looking in more detail at plants against stress.

We propose to end this first part by looking at the consequences of stress.

Indeed, it is important to know them and to be aware of them because we often underestimate them.

Let’s take a quick look at them:

  • a weakened immune system, due to high cortisol production. This makes us more vulnerable to certain diseases and viruses;
  • Digestive disorders: stress also has an impact on digestion, causing cramps, nausea but also constipation or diarrhea;
  • accelerated aging: under the effects of chronic stress, our chromosomes age faster. With adrenaline, our heart works harder, it contracts faster and blood vessels wear out faster. An imbalance is also created as the body becomes unable to neutralize the action of free radicals, causing damage to cells. This is called oxidative stress;
  • Cardiovascular diseases: as we have just seen, the heart contracts faster under the action of adrenaline and becomes worn out. The consequence? Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension or respiratory problems are frequently observed;
  • weight gain: with the secretion of cortisol are often associated cravings for sugar. With fatigue, it is often difficult to “resist”, especially since sweet foods have a high comforting power, with a release of endorphins. One can then gain weight, put on abdominal fat and feel even worse. It’s a vicious circle;
  • Hormonal imbalance: because of stress, women can see their menstruation disappear from time to time. Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes can be amplified;
  • Other disorders can occur such as psoriasis, eczema, asthma, migraines, cholesterol (which the liver must produce in greater quantities so that the body can cope with stress).

All this is not to scare you but to make you aware of the consequences of stress on your health and the importance of taking care of yourself. Let’s see without further ado the plants against stress.

Plants against stress

In phytotherapy to relieve stress you can count on adaptogenic plants as well as herbal teas.

Adaptogenic plants

Adaptogenic plants are used in response to stress: they help strengthen the adaptation systems.

They can be used in prevention but also in a curative way.

In addition to stress, they also have an effect on our ability to memorize and concentrate, as well as our physical resistance.

They have no side effects and do not modify our biological parameters.

Among the adaptogenic plants, you can find ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), rhodiola (rhodiola rosea), eleutherococcus (eleutherococcus), astragalus (astragalus), ginseng (panax ginseng), reishi (ganoderma lucidum). They are generally taken in tablet form, which can make it easier to take them even at the office or while travelling.

We will not develop them in this article and will rather focus on describing herbal teas against stress.

CBD hemp

When we say that hemp is an anti-stress plant, it is not false. But it is not totally true either. In fact, it is a shortcut.

It is certain molecules contained in hemp, the cannabinoids, that have relaxing properties. This is particularly the case of CBD hemp, also called cannabidiol, which we use in our products to limit anxiety and find sleep.

Fighting against stress and getting rid of anxiety disorders, is especially seeking to better balance its emotions.

The cbd hemp or at least the action of cannabidiol can help you.

The choice to consume CBD oils is a good idea when you are looking for an action that is both fast and short-lived, because in this form, the bioavailability is excellent

Discover our products of quality like the organic oil of this french shop called Calao and it’s huile CBD to find your calm and your well-being in everyday life.

What herbal teas against stress?

Lemon balm

Lemon balm (melissa officinalis) is appreciated for its lemon flavor. It induces relaxation.

It has neurotonic and antispasmodic effects.

It is one of the very effective anti-stress plants. It will help you to find appeasement.

Lime tree

Effective in case of anxiety attacks, the lime tree (tilia cordata) has an anxiolytic and sedative action.

It supports people prone to insomnia because of their stress. It calms and accompanies relaxation.

In tea, it is very soft and pleasant in the mouth. It has many other virtues: digestive, sudorific, it participates in strengthening the immune system, supports the liver, etc..

It is a real plant of choice which combines wonderfully with the scented verbena in tea.


Lavender (lavandula officinalis) is one of the essential anti-stress plants.

It balances the nervous system. Its antispasmodic properties help to relax the muscles. Moreover, its sedative and soothing virtues help to bring down the pressure and to relax.

In the phase of exhaustion, it will have the opposite effect: it acts as cerebral tonic and stimulates on the cognitive level and helps to have clearer ideas.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) has interesting soothing virtues to accompany stress and anxiety, as well as insomnia and irritability.

Moreover, this plant acts as a relaxant of the body by relieving muscular tensions thanks to its antispasmodic properties.

It can also act as an analgesic to relieve pain.


The noble or Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) is a calming plant of the nervous system.

Indeed, it is known for its soothing properties.

This bitter plant accompanies people suffering from stress and anxiety.

Moreover, it helps to find sleep. When you prepare a chamomile tea, remember to cover well during the infusion.

Note that chamomile (Matricaria recutita) brings a lot of sweetness and relaxation and calms the nerves.

Be careful not to drink chamomile if you are allergic to the Asteraceae family.

Other anti-stress plants can help you, such as hawthorn (which relieves irritability, nervous agitation, sleep disorders), orange blossom (soothing and relaxing, helps to find sleep), passionflower (which fights against nervous tension, agitation, irritability and brings calmness).


Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is one of the essential oils to relieve anxiety and reduce the effects of stress. Its calming and soothing properties are widely appreciated.

You can combine it with lemon balm for a relaxing blend at the end of the day.

Our plant mixes

If you prefer plant mixtures, you can choose a composed of scented verbena, scented woodruff, apple and orange and the Intemporelles herbal tea.

It is composed of scented verbena, linden, hibiscus, blueberry and apple.

Its fruity notes will delight your taste buds and it will help you relax.

We have discussed the main plants against stress.

Other techniques exist to help manage stress: cardiac coherence, Bach flowers, essential oils, hydrolats, etc.

It is also essential to adapt your diet and take care of your intestinal sphere, and sleep well.

Do not hesitate to be accompanied by a naturopath.

This will allow you to find the root cause of your stress and to act on all levels to feel better and gain serenity.

Do not hesitate to choose one of our tea on Calao shop

Take good care of yourself.

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