The Brief Guide That Makes Cleaning Commercial Elevators Simple


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Makes Cleaning

According to Infection Control Today, commercial elevators have roughly 40 times the quantity of germs as public toilet seats!

Yes, people spend a small amount of time in elevators, but that’s all that’s needed for the transition of germs to take place. And, this is quite concerning given the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

But how do you go about cleaning an elevator in a simple manner?

Well, in this short guide, we’ll let you know how to clean your elevator in a practical yet easy manner. Read on to learn the simplest cleaning advice.

Quick Tips

Although it might seem the right thing to do, you shouldn’t use alcohol cleaners on your elevator buttons. This is because they can harm the coated surfaces and make various types of plastic fragile over time.

So, stay clear of strong chemicals altogether when you clean elevators. If you do, you might wind up spending hefty amounts on future maintenance.

Also, we advise you to clean your elevator every time before you get an elevator audit.

Cleaning the Tracks, Sills, and Floor

Dust, spills, microorganisms, and debris can gather in your elevator’s tracks between the different entryways at every arrival point in the building. The treads in elevator doors can collect tiny bits of debris as well.

After removing larger debris and dust with a vacuum cleaner, clean any stainless steel using best cordless mop or non-grating cleaning products. Make sure you get into the door tracks and inside the splits.

Please remember that when you clean your door tracks, you must stop the elevator as a point of workplace safety. Also, lock the elevator to prevent it from moving.

For most elevator types, you’ll need to clean the flooring in some fashion. When doing so, try to opt for non-corrosive and non-abrasive cleaning products. Even the best elevators can become damaged by harsh cleaning products.

Cleaning Buttons, Walls, and Fixtures

You should clean the control panel buttons and light fixtures on a regular basis. Clean the buttons using antibacterial cleaners (non-alcohol as mentioned). Spraying cleaner straight onto the buttons might cause it to leak within the control panel, potentially harming internal parts.

You should clean the control panel buttons and light fixtures regularly. Clean the buttons using antibacterial cleaners (non-alcohol as mentioned). Spraying cleaner straight onto the buttons might cause it to leak within the control panel, potentially harming internal parts.

Clean the walls and doors last in your elevator. Stainless steel doors and walls are standard in the elevator industry. Remove the debris and dust from stainless steel using a non-abrasive cleaning product once more.

When cleaning the inside walls, use non-corrosive solutions that don’t leave a strong odor behind. The last thing you want is unbearable and toxic smelling odors in your elevator.

Clean Commercial Elevators the Right Way

If you take a systematic and straightforward approach to clean commercial elevators, you shouldn’t have any issues. As you may have noticed, the strong theme in this article is to stay clear of strong cleaning products. So ensure you do use soft solutions to keep your elevators in top condition for longer.