With over 84% of people consuming more than 7 hours of podcasts per week, it is easy to understand why today’s marketers are rubbing their hands with glee when thinking of the benefits of b2b podcasting. You can even start and monetize your podcast.
But simply having a b2b podcast doesn’t cut it.
There are over 2 million podcasts vying for people’s attention, and although having a business niche cuts your target market down, it can still be hard.
So what is the key to getting it right the first time? Well, if you are interested in how to start a B2B podcast, read on as we give you our 4 crucial tips for podcasting success.
Whether it is to inform, entertain or educate, a b2b podcast is a great tool for any business serious about their marketing strategy. If you’re not sure how to get started, Libsyn is a podcast platform that has a helpful guide and tips for beginners.
1. Don’t Start Your B2B Podcast Without Knowing Why
More so than any other type, a b2b podcast needs to have clear objectives. Just as driving in a car without any clear destination will get you nowhere, not understanding your goals will lead to a waste of time and money for you and your business.
Do you want to raise awareness? Gain more leads? Drive more traffic to your site?
The answers to these questions will end up driving your guest selection, content, and everything else that will help you keep motoring on in this competitive industry.
Overall, make sure that your goals are measurable. That way, your success can be tracked in more detail than just watching your listener count.
2. Respect the Schedule
The key marks of successful b2b podcasting are quality and consistency.
Being realistic, your quality will improve as the months go by, but one thing that can stop it from being a success before it even starts is not sticking to a production schedule.
All the best podcasts have us constantly refreshing on the days we know they are meant to come out. This is because consumers love reliability.
Tap into this and commit to knocking out your podcast regularly. If you make this a priority, then it will help you to stay on track with your writing, recording, uploading, and even promotion, helping you to become the well-oiled machine you need to be to reach the top.
3. Aim to Become the Head Honcho
A b2b marketing podcast is a great tool for making you an authority in your field. But often, companies think that this happens just by having one. But more is needed.
To become a top dog in your industry, you need to provide real value to your listeners. They likely already understand your field, so a mere generic passing over subjects won’t cut it. But one thing will.
So take the time to deeply research your subject matter, and your expertise will shine through.
In addition, if you invite people in line with your target customer’s wants and needs, these expert guests can provide you with all the validity that your b2b podcast could ever ask for.
On that note…
4. Over, and Don’t Undervalue Your Guests
Guests are the secret sauce that should always be tapped into, especially when podcasting for business. We know they can boost credibility, but guests can also do wonders for your reach. So tap into that by giving them all they need to promote you once the episode comes out.
Because they are so valuable, it pays to treat them as such. Give them as much info as needed about the questions you ask and make them feel as comfortable as possible. Be a good listener, making it easy for them to promote themselves and their projects.
Remember, people talk, so if you tick all these boxes getting great guests will become easier and easier.
Stay Ahead With Your B2B Podcast
Whether it is to inform, entertain or educate, a b2b podcast is a great tool for any business serious about their marketing strategy.