Node.Js is a very popular platform today. It’s not surprising to us that our readers may be highly interested in it. Node.js is a development framework based on Node.js. It offers a set of strong advantages that can have potent benefits for a large number of firms. In this article, we’ll take a look at the key reasons to utilize the platform in question. As you’ll find out, it’s highly important in a vast number of settings. Thus, hiring a Node.js app development company is a great idea.
Why Programmers are using Node JS?
Modern programmers have many reasons to use Node.js. Here are some of the key reasons:
- JavaScript in backend: Node.js allows using one of the most popular scripting languages in the sphere of web development for other tasks. In short, programmers can go outside of the browser setting and develop a full-scale version of the program using both the front and back ends;
- Easy scalability: Node.js is very easy to scale in the current conditions. One can develop in it without a significant need to use anything complex. As a result, it’s possible to create big programs that can work with millions of connections without any major problems;
- Easy development: JavaScript is one of the most popular scripting languages for the Internet. It’s used almost everywhere you go. Node.js allows concentrating fully on the knowledge of JavaScript without any significant need to resort to other platforms.
Pros and Cons of Node.js
Node.js has a set of significant positives and negatives today. Here are some positives:
- Ease of development;
- Focus on single-thread performance makes scalability simple;
- Asynchronous code execution helps launch programs at a fast rate.
Still some significant cons are present in the outlined case too:
- Single-threaded performance makes large/heavy code difficult and slow to execute;
- Asynchronous code leads to problems with the maintenance of the code;
- JavaScript features rather limited opportunities for development due to its toolset.
What is Node.js used for?
Node.js is used for a wide variety of tasks today. Here are some of them:
- Video and audio streaming applications: services such as Netflix actively use Node.js in the current conditions;
- Trading platforms: trading platforms feature a large number of small connections. Node.js makes scalability easy in such conditions. For instance, eBay uses Node.js components in this manner today;
- Banking services: the aforementioned advantages also perfectly fit the finance sector. After all, it features many small connections that can be difficult to manage with a more complex platform. Thus, modern fintech finds to be a very strong platform when it comes to everyday needs.
To summarize, is a platform that is perfect in a large number of situations. Yes, if you intend to make big calculations, it’s definitely not the best. But in cases when you focus on a divergent number of small tasks, this approach is difficult to substitute. Therefore, using can be a perfect choice in a wide set of tasks today. Therefore, we recommend you not to hesitate with the usage of the platform. If you need any help in this regard, you can always address us at
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